Carl 666 Gustaf. Claim


Industrial music by two key figures of the Swedish scenes for metal, doom and prog rock: keyboardist Carl Westholm (Carptree, Avatarium, Krux, Candlemass) and bass player Gustaf Hielm (who has played with Pain of Salvation, Meshuggah, Mats/Morgan, Tiamat, and many more). For this album, instead of relying on their main instruments, they gathered a vast array of synthesizers, machines, and other unpredictable electronic devices and sound sources. Praised in UK-mag The Wire's October-issue.

Label:Thanatosis Produktion

Artist: Carl 666 Gustaf

Genre: Synt/Electronica


Bolag/Distributör:Thanatosis produktion / Border

Mediaformat: CD, LP, DA - digitalt album

Kontaktperson:Alexander Zethson

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